Victoria Romanova

Quick Change
“This unique act is truly spectacular!”
With this beautiful act Victoria introduces a new style: ‘Magic Burlesque’. The
audience will be dazzled by the quick costume change with a spectacular
Burlesque ending.
Surprise Cake
This is a very popular classic surprise act, during which Victoria appears out of
a huge cake. This act is perfect for all kinds of events: from birthdays to grand
opening celebrations, anniversaries and more! No cake – no party!
Champagne Tower
The audience will witness a room service performance that they will always
remember. Victoria, as a sexy waitress enters the room with a trolley full of
champagne glasses and starts to build a magnificent champagne tower. This hard
work makes her temperature rise so she takes off her uniform in a most
seductive way. And then… oh la la, surprise! A huge bottle of champagne
appears. After making these most tasty bubbles flow into the tower, Victoria
personally hands out the glasses to the thirsty ones. Please notice that this act
and others can be customized.
Fan Dance
Inspired by the legendary Sally Rand and the act with ostrich Fans that made her
world-famous in the 1930′s Miss Romanova performs this exotic dance in her
own unique and elegant way adding her own creative touches to the routine and
a modern flavour to go with the flair of her feathers.
Night Club 1930
In cooperation with “WhoSheDo”Vintage Jazz band and singer Mylene Hanson
we let you make a small trip back in Night Club 1930. Time when night live was
underground and alcohol market was in the hands of the gangsters. The time of
jazz, cigars, champagne, gangsters, burlesque en vaudeville
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